Something Old...

Also at Fleetville I found some vintage tins, the classic Piccadilly tea tin, an amaretto tin for spaghetti and a single malt whiskey tin - brilliant for keeping my hairstraightners in too!! (Metal - so heat resistant ;) clever…huh!)
I have had these a few years now, again from Fleetville Vintage Emporium. They are ‘Easiwork’ glass jars. I like the pressed label squares on them. I just blue tacked a square from the packaging with images of what the tea is. It looks kind of neat… here we have normal tea, with a Blackberry and Nettle blend too (it’s super yummy – bit like hot Ribena, only healthy!)
Something new...
I bought this set of glass jars because I couldn't find anything that exactly fitted the skinny gunnel cupboards. I say don't be afraid to wield a tape-measure, even in glass shop!
Another place I love to visit first thing in the morning, before all the tourists arrive is Portobello Road Market. I found several bits last year during my first ever visit, including this pretty etched mirror and elephant 'Tota'- hanging decoration.
I couldn’t find a clock I liked so I made one! Maplin sells all the bits you need. Using the same shade of green I framed some felt, drilled a hole through the lot and stuck a clock behind… for an hour's fun it looks pretty good I reckon. The frames for my photos were from Ikea painted using tester pots left over from choosing my wall colour. (I used the same tester pots and painted the clock hands to tie the whole lot together, pretty easy to achieve fun results if you use your noggin ;)
I found these pretty little bowls at a charity shop in Chesham. 6 for £5, not bad with just a little chip on one. I don’t mind chips though, not when they are free.
I love visiting certain towns specifically for charity shopping and, being local, chesham has the most charity shops all practically next door to each other. Two doors down after I found my bowls I discovered this little guy. Some people don't like him but I love his cheeky grin - buddha/green-man approach. He's above my door to greet/ward off visitors.
I have already blogged about Mr.Frog Lamp, giving to me by a couple of friends that my dad helped make a shelf for. Well with the lamp came Mr.Fishing Frog, He began his life with freakish black penetrating eyes. I have no quarms about ‘editing’ gifts to make them how I want them. With a bit of paint I made him into a happy little guy who now fishes above my bed for dreams…that’s what I say anyway… ^_^
Along with this froggy collection I also received three little frogs who began their life florescent green, pink and blue, again with the crazy eyes. I used the same tester pots as my picture frames and made them all uniform purple with white spots. I love them now and they sit at the bow on my hidden pen shelf! Clever and sneaky!
In my ‘inspirational’ images back in May, I found some vintage recycled glass beakers at RE ( which were selling for £7.00 each! When I found these in Wilkinson I figured I could have a bit of glamour too, I think I got 4 for £8s – We love bargains!
Something Borrowed...
Of course not everything was new, there were several trinkets I inherited with the boat that I really liked but didn’t know what to do with them.
These pair of geese hooks used to be in the bathroom, but with the chrome-newness I wanted to keep the brass out. They became great cable tidies for my chargers in the bedroom by the plug – super cute AND convenient.
Again, with the chrome-newness, this daisy towel rail became defunct, so with a bit of engineering and a lot of shortening it has turned into a very posh kitchen roll holder. It’s the little things in life.
Little things, like my cheap utensil pot from Tesco which matches my tiles, which match my kettle which I stole from the parents! (I bought them a prettier replacement, no guilt ^_^).
And finally, but by no means least - my pans! They were left on Miswell and I quickly snapped them up! They are a little scratched and tired on the inside but I don't mind - I will only replace them if i find a similar set in better condition. Which i haven' I'm still lovin' these beauts. And they sit on my curved shelves with all my other crockery very nicely, if i do say so myself!

Well that's me, I've finished and it's all looking lovely but there's no more room for pretty things. My bank account is happy I've finished buying all the pretties but I keep seeing nice things but realising I've got no room to put them... I need a bigger boat!! ^_^